Hello all!! I am just a fun loving person. I love all things quirky, vintage, whimsical and adventurous. I love photography. I love catching those moments of real laughter and giddy-ness. I'm always learning and trying to improve, but hey, practice makes perfect right?
Also, I am so lucky to be married to my bff and we just have the greatest life ever! Being married is probably my favorite thing in the whole world! I pray that everyone will be able to be as smitten with someone as i am with my hubby. I have a princess diva for a baby and she is such a ray of sunlight in our lives.
Also, i love smarties and road trips, and am proud to say that I can quote.. ALOT of disney movies/ cartoons. And i still have a baby tooth. Now, you know a little about me, CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU!!